Your authorized autoclave and sterilizer repair center for the vicinity of San Jose, CA
Henry Schein
5595 Winfield Blvd Suite 107
San Jose, CA 95123
By Appointment only
Sterilizer types we service:
wssaaicx, Pelton and Crane OCR, Statim 2000, Prestige Vacuum, Prestige (210006, 210007), (select convert(int,CHAR(65))), Pelton and Crane Validator, Pelton and Crane Delta, Midmark M7/ M9/ M11, Tuttnauer M (all manual machines), Tuttnauer E (all electronic machine), Tuttnauer EHS (2540 & 3870), Pelton and Crane Sentry, Pelton and Crane Magnaclave, Statim 5000, Steri dent, Wayne, Ritter, Tuttnauer 4472, Tuttnauer 5596, Tuttnauer 6690, Tuttnauer 66120, Castle M7, Speedclave M7, Speedclave 777,
Henry Schein, 5595 Winfield Blvd Suite 107, San Jose, CA 95123, 408-227-0566